

How Is Property Handled When Somebody Dies Intestate?

9 April 2020
Law, Blog

Life can be completely unpredictable, and it is not unusual, unfortunately, for an otherwise healthy individual to die suddenly and without any identified condition. If that individual were in the prime of their life, then they may not have thought about the repercussions to any extent and had not prepared their last will and testament. In this case, complications can arise as they are effectively classified as intestate. How does this affect any property that they may have an interest in, however?
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Can a Home Seller Access the Deposit Funds Early?

8 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

When two individuals agree to the terms related to a house purchase, certain items of paperwork will be signed, and the process of transfer may begin. This will typically be handled by a conveyancer on each side and will require a certain amount of time to complete while checks are made to ensure everything is above board. Usually, a deposit will be held in trust by the conveyancer as a sign of good intent on behalf of the buyer, which should give the seller some confidence.
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Can You Claim Workers’ Compensation for Emotional Stress at Work?

7 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Are you suffering from emotional stress or other mental injuries at work? Is the stress affecting your productivity, performance and relationships with friends and family? If so, you may be thinking about claiming workers' compensation. This claim allows you to get compensation for medical expenses, therapy, rehabilitation and other costs and losses incurred as a result of the emotional stress. In Australia, workers can claim compensation for emotional stress suffered at work.
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Why You Should Think about Establishing a Trust

7 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Some people think that when they die, their assets will need to be distributed to those named in their will immediately after the date of their death. Certainly, some of those assets and other parts of the estate can be allocated in this way and handled immediately by an executor, but it may be advantageous to consider establishing a separate legal instrument, known as a trust. What are the different types of trusts available and why are they beneficial?
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Ways to Stay Grounded in the Midst of a Divorce Process

2 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Although people involved in family law disputes are generally encouraged to seek an out of court settlement whenever possible, certain family law matters can only be resolved through court action. Divorce is one of those often contentious family law matters that requires court intervention.  In Australia, divorce is filed on a no-fault basis. This means that the only basis for granting a divorce is that a marriage has broken down irretrievably.
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Learning About the Law

Hello! If you're aiming to learn more about the law, you have come to the right place. This site it chock-full of top info about everything you could possibly want to know about the law and legal practice. I am not a legal practitioner but I have spent a lot of time learning about international and national laws. I have also looked into the various types of attorneys who can offer you assistance if you run into legal problems. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and that it proves useful and informative. Thank you for stopping by. Please come back again soon.
