Heidi Rhodes

Heidi Rhodes

What To Consider When Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

15 May 2020
Law, Blog

A significant percentage of marriages end up in divorce. The main grounds for divorce in Australia are if the couple has irreconcilable differences. If either you or your spouse wants to end your marriage or has initiated the separation process, you should seek legal assistance as early as possible. Here are some tips that can help you find the right lawyer for your case. Start Searching As Early As Possible And Choose An Expert
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An Overview Of The Services Offered By Family Lawyers

12 May 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Family lawyers are professionals who deal with issues regarding family law. Family attorneys also mediate family disagreements and represent litigants in family conflicts that are moved to court. Here is a look at some of the services you can expect from your family lawyer. Divorce Divorce is a complex matter that requires the expertise of a family lawyer. In Australia, divorce matters are presided over based on the provisions of the Family Law Act 1975.
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3 Things That May Invalidate Your Prenuptial Agreement

7 May 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you and your partner come to a mutual decision to obtain a prenuptial agreement, you should arrange to sit down with qualified family lawyers. Yes, each of you should get their own separate counsel to avoid conflict of interest and ensure that the lawyer is looking out for your best interest. Professional family lawyers focus on creating an agreement that is legally sound and enforceable. If it doesn't meet these criteria, then the courts may not uphold it when you do separate.
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3 Benefits That the Spouse Who Files for Divorce First Enjoys

28 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

Sometimes in life, you make some hard decisions not because you want to, but because you must. Everyone wants their marriage to work and bring them the joy, hope and happiness they once anticipated to have. But when your marriage becomes 'pepper in your eyes' or doesn't work anymore, choosing to divorce seems sensible. And since divorce is a 'legal war' that the partners should be ready to face, how it ends might sometimes depend on who filed it first.
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Understanding Domestic Violence

16 April 2020
 Categories: Law, Blog

The first thing you should know when it comes to domestic violence is the difference between domestic abuse and domestic violence. Domestic abuse includes emotional, financial, mental, spiritual, cultural, sexual and physical abuse. It mostly occurs when one partner in a romantic relationship dominates or controls the other. The abuser uses intimidation, shame, verbal threats, fear and guilt to wear the abused party down. Over time, verbal threats escalate to physical assault; this is what is referred to as domestic violence.
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About Me
Learning About the Law

Hello! If you're aiming to learn more about the law, you have come to the right place. This site it chock-full of top info about everything you could possibly want to know about the law and legal practice. I am not a legal practitioner but I have spent a lot of time learning about international and national laws. I have also looked into the various types of attorneys who can offer you assistance if you run into legal problems. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and that it proves useful and informative. Thank you for stopping by. Please come back again soon.
